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Client Case Studies

We wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for some of our great clients who have taken on board our guidance and got some great results.

Many people come to us to try to “lose” weight, but what we find is that many “gain”.

Confidence, self-belief, friends, new jobs, even a baby… we’re not taking credit for this, we’re mainly showing you that you already have it inside of you!

What better way to let you know what you go through than for you to hear it from our trusted community.

Carly Sutherland

Before I signed up to the challenge I had tried so many diets and couldn’t find anything that worked for me or fitted into my life style. I never had much knowledge when it came to losing weight or what I needed to do to maintain it. I was so fed up of feeling miserable with the way I looked, constantly tried, unmotivated and just feeling sluggish.

Being part of the challenge has totally changed my mind set, not only the information I have learned about nutrition, fat loss and exercise to carry on my fitness journey but the support you get from Roy and everyone in the group is amazing! it’s not just about fat loss the whole mind set of a ‘diet’ totally changes, it’s about feeling amazing mentally and physically.

I now enjoy living a healthy lifestyle instead of it being a chore. I wear clothes I would never even consider to buy, just all round feeling amazing. It’s a hard graft to get rid of the bad habits but it’s totally worth it when you can have a balance in life of enjoying yourself without returning to those bad habits

Mhairi Cockburn

I started my Mission:FIT journey to loose weight to qualify for treatment for IVF as I was struggling to do it myself at this point in my life I was extremely overweight, stressed, unhappy lacking any self confidence

I joined a 12 week challenge and lost fat, inches, unhappiness, gained friends, confidence and self belief.

I was able to understand food better as I was and sometimes still can be a lazy eater…. Fast Forward 4 years I have my girl after years of IVF and gained 4 stones due to being terrified to exercise. I joined a challenge most recently in January.

I was struggling mentally with being a new mum and honestly was just a big ball of anxiety. The difference in my mood, mental after this challenge was the results I was looking for the weight and inches were just a bonus. Since my last challenge I now know how what to eat without thinking about it, I have signed up for another challenge to boost my mood again and ready to get my body and mind healthier. Honestly Roy is a good friend, mentor and is good at his craft.

In my opinion Mission:Fit is the only way to go

Terry McAdam

When I began my mission fit journey I was 25 stone and stuck in a rut, trying fads to try and get quick results.

I was lethargic, with a poor diet, no knowledge of nutrition and had low self esteem.

I decided to participate in one of Roy’s 6 week challenges and it’s changed my entire lifestyle. That’s the great thing about Mission Fit… It’s not a diet or a gym plan.

Roy coaches and educates you on nutrition and movement in simple terms in order for you develop long term lifestyle changes and healthier habits whilst still being able to enjoy a few drinks and a takeaway at the weekend.

Another thing that sets Mission Fit apart from others is the support and encouragement from everyone else in the online groups. The others couldn’t have been more encouraging and supportive. I’ve now completed two challenges and have lost 6 stone. Although determining health solely through a number on a scale is irrelevant as you’ll soon find out if you join the mission.

Jen Miller

For years I’d tried various diets and dipped in and out of the gym and classes. I didn’t get results and I continued to feel unhappy with how I looked. I went to Roy for PT in September 2018, I remember feeling so uncomfortable getting my first set of photos done and totally lacked confidence. I continued with PT and started to gain vital knowledge on nutrition and really started to see changes in my body.

I took part in my first Mission Fit Challenge a couple of years back and absolutely loved it. The routine worked so well for me and I continued to learn more about increasing movement and tracking calories. I also started to go to group classes with Mission Fit which allowed me to build confidence in using the gym and I met loads of brilliant people, an added bonus!

I’ve since taken part in a number of challenges, to consolidate habits and find that the consistency of a challenge works really for me. Throughout lockdown I maintained movement through on demand classes at home and getting out walks.

Now fitness is a huge part of my weekly routine. I make time for early morning walks to get my steps in before a busy day at work. And plan gym workouts, classes or home workouts depending on my schedule. I really enjoy doing a variety of activities. Fitness is no longer just about physical changes for me, it’s about the positive impact mentally too. Through the knowledge I’ve gained from Roy and the habits I’ve built I’ve managed to strike a balance where I can enjoy food, enjoy socialising, enjoy fitness and continue feeling good.

Sean Kirkwood

I started Roy’s challenge in March in a bad way mentally & physically. Not knowing a thing about nutrition or protein.

Everyday I would always say I’ll start exercising tomorrow or the next day but I wouldn’t. Finally decided to get the finger out and change that when I signed up for the Mission Fit challenge. Roy opened my eyes on how to make positive changes in my life by hitting my “non-negotiables”, from doing 2000 steps a day to smashing 13,000 a day. Just getting those steps in & having a positive support in Roy & the rest of the group gave me motivation to keep on pushing myself. In the past I’d sign up for a gym membership last a couple of days & then not go for months and cancelling my membership that was my cycle for years. I now really enjoy going to the gym, feel 1000x better mentally & physically, I’m in such a better head space.

I signed up for Mission Fit for the goal to lose weight but what I gained in knowledge about my own body was mind blowing. I’ve went from being an angry tired man to a happy well rested man just by following Roy’s instructions! I can’t recommend him enough to people that ask me about the challenge.

David Kirkwood

My journey is, I was stuck in a rut and had no motivation, I tried every diet under the sun but just couldn’t stick to it with work life and the kids I just couldn’t get a hold of my eating drinking and junk food.

My brother got me in touch with Roy and he took me under his wing with Mission Fit and done some PT to start. My first challenge, don’t get me wrong had some slips on the way but always got a boot up the arse and got straight back to it. I went from from being 22st at my heaviest and, lo-and-behold, got down to 16st the lightest I have been since probably primary school.

My big fat clothes are still in the loft just to see how far I have come so now looking to get my finger out and keep going go with what worked for me before the good old Mission Fit.

Enrol In Our Next 6 Week Lifestyle Challenge Starting October 23rd